Food Safety
Conditions of Access
I am being granted access to the information contained on this site in order to review certain information of JBS USA Food Company or its affiliates. I understand that my access to this site is subject to the following conditions:
I certify that I am an End User of JBS USA Food Company Products. In general, an End User is one who further processes JBS USA Food Company Products or offers said products as packaged by JBS USA Food Company for sale directly to the general public.
Note: Brokers, Distributors, or Traders, who do not meet the above requirement, are not to access or re-distribute this information to downstream users of JBS USA Food Company Products. Brokers must inform their customers of this site and request that the end user access the information directly.
I understand that the information contained on this site is confidential and proprietary and that I am being provided access to the information with an understanding that I shall hold the information in confidence, I shall use the information for the sole purpose of evaluating JBS USA Food Company company practices and shall disclose it only to my employees who are directly concerned with that evaluation. In addition, I understand I will not disclose, publish or otherwise reveal the information or any portion of the information to any other person except with the specific prior written authorization of JBS USA Food Company.
I will not attempt to circumvent any of the security features of the site, and will not enable or allow others to access the site using my authorization to the site.
I understand that JBS USA Food Company is making no representations or warranties, express or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of the information, and that JBS USA Food Company will have no liability with respect to any use or reliance upon any of the information.
By clicking on the “I Accept” button below, I acknowledge that I am an End User of JBS USA Food Company Products and that I have read, understand, and agree to the above conditions.